суббота, 16 июля 2022 г.

Windows Server 2022 - installation and configuration


 Installing Windows Server 2022

Let's now see how Windows Server 2022 is installed. There are several installation methods: 1. Network installation using WDS server. 2. Bootable flash drive with Windows Server 2022. This is a normal method, since this is not a bulk operation, you can make a flash drive. 3. Network software through the management port on the physical server where the ISO image will be mounted. Each vendor has a different name for it, such as ILO, IPMI, IMM, IDRAC. 4. Through a Zalman USB box, which acts as a virtual DVD-ROM that works over the network and can mount ISO files. 5. Through a third party PXE server

It doesn't matter how you slip in the distribution kit with Windows Server 2022, the installation process itself will be the same everywhere, unless of course you use a response file. Installing and configuring Windows Server 2022
Look for more articles on Windows Server, Linux, Cisco, Windows client at the link http://pyatilistnik.org/
#Download #Install #windowsserver2022 #WindowsServer #IvanSemin #Pyatilistnik

пятница, 15 июля 2022 г.

#5 How to create a bootable USB flash drive with Windows Server 2022 - Using the UNetbootin Utility

  Good afternoon! Dear subscribers and guests of the channel. This is the fifth video on creating a bootable USB flash drive with Windows Server 2022. Today I want to show you another cool utility that has advanced functionality. In this video, we will talk about UNetbootin.

UNetbootin is a very good, free utility. It can make a bootable flash drive with ESXi, Windows, Linux and all sorts of antivirus disks. It can also download them itself from the Internet, which greatly simplifies life.

Download UNetbootin -
https://unetbootin.github.io/ or http://pyatilistnik.org/skachat/ Look for more articles on Windows Server, Linux, Cisco, Windows client at the link http://pyatilistnik.org/

вторник, 12 июля 2022 г.

How to check/test bootable USB flash drive (TOP methods)

  This is a collection of proven methods for testing bootable media, for convenience, time codes are listed below.

00:09 - 1. How To Test Bootable USB - Using the WinSetupFromUSB Utility 02:36 - 2. How To Test Bootable USB - Using MobaLiveCD 05:09 - 3. How To Test Bootable USB - QEMU Simple Boot 07:52 - 4. How To Test Bootable USB - QEMU Boot Tester 10:30 - 5. How To Test Bootable USB - Bootable USB Test 12:17 - 6. How To Test Bootable USB - Ultimate Boot USB When you create a bootable USB drive with Windows or Linux, it is always recommended to test it to see if it is bootable before trying it on the main PC or client, there can be many such situations. It's just a shame when you have everything prepared and want to get the job done, it may not start due to a technical problem.

You can always check the bootable USB drive by restarting the computer and enabling the necessary BIOS settings, for many novice users this is not an easy task, and it is not always convenient to reboot, you want a quick solution within your session in the operating system. Fortunately, there are such options and I will show in a short video cycle how to implement it. Download the utilities indicated in the video
Look for more articles on Windows Server, Linux, Cisco, Windows client at the link http://pyatilistnik.org/

понедельник, 11 июля 2022 г.

Как продвигать английский Youtube канал, пошаговая инструкция

  Всех приветствую, тут оставлю базовый алгоритм, как я с 2022 года начал попытки продвигаться на англоязычном ютуб сегменте. Меня все это сподвигло, а точнее дало пинка, событие в феврале. И честно я даже от части этому благодарен, так как вечно откладывал.

Из чего строилось мое продвижение американского канала?

1. Я создал с нуля новый ютуб канал, но можно использовать и старый, где не было давно каких-то движений, но с новым будет проще.
2. Неважно какую страну вы указали в качестве страны канала, это ни на что не влияет, и не дает бонуса в получении трафика, это миф. Тут главно откуда будет идти трафик
3. Далее я выбрал интересное для себя имя канала, заполнил его описание и ключевые слова
4. Если вы носитель языка или хотя бы хорошо его знаете, то вам слегка попроще, но этого мало, ролики которые вы должны делать, должны быть качественные, для получения монетизации должна присутствовать речь, не ворованный контент. Если используете музыку, то ее лучше брать из бесплатной библиотеки.
5. В качестве видеоредактора я выбрал Camtasia, но у вас может быть свой
6. Очень важно не бояться акцента если он у вас есть, англоязычные люди к этому относятся нормально
7. Если вы делаете образовательный контент, то учтите, что вы полгода-год не будите получать трафик и это нормально.
8. Очень важно разработать план публикации видео, так как алгоритмы любят его постоянное обновление
9. Не забывайте оптимизировать видео, по описаниям и ключевым словам
10. Очень важно отвечать на все комментарии, это поможет в продвижении
11. Используйте аналитику, для понимания откуда у вас идет трафик
12. Очень важно экспериментировать со значками и увеличивать их CTR
13. Используйте разные внешние площадки. Для продвижения ваших видео, но старайтесь чтобы они были англоязычные
14. Используйте полезные расширения для браузера по типу vidIQ
15. Используйте сервисы по типу SocialBlade, это поможет вам смотреть так же картину продвижения под другим углом

Радует постоянный трафик, это мотивирует.

Подробный план продвижения англоязычного канала я разбираю на своем блоге, там постоянно обновляю аналитику и новые наработки.

#6 How To Test Bootable USB - Ultimate Boot USB

   When you create a bootable USB drive with Windows or Linux, it is always recommended to test it to see if it is bootable before trying it on the main PC or client, there can be many such situations. It's just a shame when you have everything prepared and want to get the job done, it may not start due to a technical problem.

You can always check the bootable USB drive by restarting the computer and enabling the necessary BIOS settings, for many novice users this is not an easy task, and it is not always convenient to reboot, you want a quick solution within your session in the operating system. Fortunately, there are such options and I will show in a short video cycle how to implement it.

In the sixth video, we will use the free Ultimate Boot USB utility, through which I previously created a bootable USB flash drive, who is interested in the link in the upper right corner, where I also told you where to download it. Download Ultimate Boot USB
Look for more articles on Windows Server, Linux, Cisco, Windows client at the link http://pyatilistnik.org/

пятница, 8 июля 2022 г.

5. How To Test Bootable USB - Bootable USB Test

 When you create a bootable USB drive with Windows or Linux, it is always recommended to test it to see if it is bootable before trying it on the main PC or client, there can be many such situations. It's just a shame when you have everything prepared and want to get the job done, it may not start due to a technical problem.

You can always check the bootable USB drive by restarting the computer and enabling the necessary BIOS settings, for many novice users this is not an easy task, and it is not always convenient to reboot, you want a quick solution within your session in the operating system. Fortunately, there are such options and I will show in a short video cycle how to implement it.

In the fifth video, we will use the free Bootable USB Test utility, through which I previously created a bootable USB flash drive, who is interested in the link in the upper right corner, where I also told you where to download it. Download Bootable USB Test
Look for more articles on Windows Server, Linux, Cisco, Windows client at the link http://pyatilistnik.org/

среда, 6 июля 2022 г.

How To Test Bootable USB - Qemu Boot Tester

  When you create a bootable USB drive with Windows or Linux, it is always recommended to test it to see if it is bootable before trying it on the main PC or client, there can be many such situations. It's just a shame when you have everything prepared and want to get the job done, it may not start due to a technical problem.

You can always check the bootable USB drive by restarting the computer and enabling the necessary BIOS settings, for many novice users this is not an easy task, and it is not always convenient to reboot, you want a quick solution within your session in the operating system. Fortunately, there are such options and I will show in a short video cycle how to implement it.

In the third video, we will use the free Qemu Boot Tester utility, through which I previously created a bootable USB flash drive, who is interested in the link in the upper right corner, where I also told you where to download it. Download - QEMU Boot Tester
Look for more articles on Windows Server, Linux, Cisco, Windows client at the link http://pyatilistnik.org/

пятница, 1 июля 2022 г.

1. How To Test Bootable USB - Using the WinSetupFromUSB Utility

 When you create a bootable USB drive with Windows or Linux, it is always recommended to test it to see if it is bootable before trying it on the main PC or client, there can be many such situations. It's just a shame when you have everything prepared and want to get the job done, it may not start due to a technical problem.

You can always check the bootable USB drive by restarting the computer and enabling the necessary BIOS settings, for many novice users this is not an easy task, and it is not always convenient to reboot, you want a quick solution within your session in the operating system. Fortunately, there are such options and I will show in a short video cycle how to implement it.

In the first video, we will use the free WinSetupFromUSB utility, through which I previously created a bootable USB flash drive, who is interested in the link in the upper right corner, where I also told you where to download it. Look for more articles on Windows Server, Linux, Cisco, Windows client at the link